Review Process

The Principal Investigator (PI) must complete the Application for Use of Radioactive Materials, Devices and Lasers and submit it to the Radiation Safety Officer, EH&S, 2408 Wanda Daley Drive for the initial review.
If the application is complete, the Radiation Safety Officer will forward it to the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) Chair, who will distribute copies to the other RSC members if necessary. The RSC Chair will review the application and determine whether or not to grant authorization.
If the application is approved, a signed authorization form will be returned to the PI, and any special conditions under which authorization is granted will be specified on the form. If approval is not granted, a written notification with an explanation of the decision will be sent to the PI.
Modifications to Approved Projects
Requests for changes to a current Radioactive Materials Use Authorization should also be sent to the Radiation Safety Officer, EH&S, 2408 Wanda Daley Drive.