Review Process
a-tune tick@lab
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) have transitioned to an electronic software system for submission, review, and maintenance of IACUC and IBC applications. The system will also integrate research, teaching and testing protocols, animal procurement and management, as well as veterinary medical records.
- Request User Access for the a-tune electronic submission system: Use this Excel file to enter the PI and any personnel you will want to be included in a-tune for your protocols. Please submit this to our office. This email request must be from the PI or the PI must be copied on the email. Only personnel requested by the PI will be entered into the Production environment. The system administrators must add users to the a-tune software before personnel, including the PI, are allowed access to the system. Please send these requests to the IBC office (
- Submit Protocol: Any IBC protocol will be required to be submitted electronically via a-tune tick@lab.
If this project also involves Biohazards, the PI must have an IBC application approved, as well. The application will be reviewed by the IACUC for animal use issues and by the IBC for biosafety issues.
Regular meetings of the IBC are held on the second Tuesday of the month. NOTE: Applications must be submitted seven business days before the meeting date to ensure review at the monthly meeting.
IBC meetings are open to the public. PIs are invited to attend the meetings to discuss any questions or concerns with the IBC.
Subcommittees of the IBC meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month for non-recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid research, provided there are sufficient applications for review
When a project is approved by the IBC, the PI is notified directly via a-tune tick@lab. If approval is denied, a written notification will be sent to the PI. This notification will explain the decision and will identify possible amendments to the project that would allow approval.
Amendments to Approved Projects
The Principal Investigator must notify the IBC of any changes to their project and must obtain approval prior to implementation of amendments.
- Amendments must also be submitted through a-tune tick@lab.
Course of Action for Modifications: In an attempt to help Iowa State University investigators determine what course of action is necessary when making modifications to an existing IBC protocol, we have generated three lists of examples. These lists are in no way complete and are shown here only as a guide to help investigators make informed decisions when modifying existing protocols.
Note: Per the Research Compliance Advisory Committee, a change in Principal Investigator (PI) is not a modification but, rather, requires submission of a new Protocol for review and approval through a-tune.
Note: For annual review, please submit in advance of the protocol expiration date to allow adequate time for the review process. If the submitted amendment is too complex and/or changes the original objective(s) of the study, the committee may require a new protocol be submitted for review. Approval of an amendment does not alter the date by which annual (continuing) review must occur.
Annual Renewal and Five Year/Three Year Full Renewal
A reminder will be sent to the PI approximately 45 days before the annual review date.
- Authorization for projects involving the use of recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules, infectious agents, or biological toxins must be renewed annually through a-tune tick@lab.
- For all projects, it is now required that each IACUC protocol has a corresponding IBC protocol. A new application is due every five years unless the project involves animals, then it is every three years.
- Every 3 year/5 year renewal must be submitted through a-tune tick@lab as a new application.
Note: If the renewal is not submitted and approved by the annual review date, according to federal regulations and University policy, all work with hazardous biological materials on the project must stop. Please contact 294-5412 to reestablish authorization.
Questions or Concerns?
For concerns about questions asked or requirements imposed by the IBC, please contact the Office of Research Ethics.