Committee Composition and Meeting Times

The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) is designated as one of the standing committees of Iowa State University. The principal function of the RSC is to establish University policy for the safe use of radioactive materials and radiation-producing devices that comply with federal, state, and local regulations.

The directives of the RSC will normally be carried out by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). The RSO operates out of the Department of Environmental Health and Safety, which has broad responsibilities for all safety and occupational health programs on the Iowa State University campus.

The Vice President for Research (VPR) appoints the chair of the RSC. The RSC is composed of a representative from each of five colleges in the University (Agriculture and Life Sciences, Engineering, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Human Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine) where research in the physical and life sciences and in engineering is conducted.

In addition, the committee requires three members with specific expertise in radiation protection, one of whom is the RSO, and one University management representative, who is the Director of the Office of Research Ethics (DORE). The terms on the committee for the RSO and the DORE are indefinite. All other terms, including the committee chair, are for three years with reappointments being determined by the VPR. Five of the eight members of the RSC, including the chair or a designated alternate and the RSO or a designated alternate, constitute a quorum of the RSC.

The RSC meets at least once during each academic semester at a time arranged by the chair for attendance of the maximum number of members. Additional meetings may be called if circumstances dictate need.


RSC members are appointed by the Vice President for Research for terms of three years.

Current Members


License for Use of Radiation

The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) issues broadscope licenses only for organizations that have

  1. considerable prior experience in the use of radioactive materials under limited scope specific licenses;
  2. a good regulatory performance record, based on IDPH licensing and inspection of prior activities;
  3. a radioactive materials utilization program of such scope that the organization requires a variety of radionuclides and the operational flexibility to cover numerous uses and users;
  4. an administrative structure, organization, and procedures adequate to ensure safe operations and to review and approve proposed uses, users, facilities, and procedures incorporated into the license.

The IDPH broadscope license number for Iowa State University is 0014-1-85-AAB.