National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 (NSPM-33)
NSPM-33 is a January 2021 directive from the President requiring all federal funding agencies to strengthen and standardize disclosure requirements for federally funded awards. In addition, it also mandates the establishment of research security programs at major institutions receiving federal funds.
Why is it needed?
There has been an increasing need to protect U.S.-funded scientific research from foreign interference and exploitation, including espionage and intellectual property theft.
Goals of NSPM-33 and clear commitment to nondiscrimination
Protection – to protect America’s national security while promoting openness in the research community
Clarity – to make it clear so that well-intentioned researchers can easily and properly comply
Consistency – to ensure that policies do not fuel xenophobia or prejudice
NSPM-33 requirement
“Agencies must implement NSPM-33 provisions and related requirements in a nondiscriminatory manner that does not stigmatize or treat unfairly members of the research community, including members of ethnic or racial minority groups.”