Disclosure Requirements and Standardization

Federal research funding agencies are working to provide clarity regarding disclosure requirements, disclosure process, and expected degree of cross-agency uniformity related to potential conflicts of interest and commitment from participants in the Federally funded R&D enterprise. Detailed directives for these agencies are outlined in the NSPM-33 guidance document. General information, a timeline of progress, and Iowa State University’s current response are highlighted below.

General information and charge given to federal agencies

  • Specification of who is required to disclose and what activities – standardized across research agencies to the greatest extent practicable
  • Standardized forms and formats
  • Institutions, through their investigators, are required to update disclosures before an award, at least annually
  • Mechanisms for correcting disclosures – agencies must communicate clearly and processes are simple and straightforward

Common Forms

ISU response

  • Other disclosure requirements by federal sponsors are available on the ORE website