Committee Composition and Meeting Times

Both the Animal Welfare Act and the Public Health Service (PHS) Policy mandate the existence of an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. The committee answers to the Institutional Official responsible for the animal care and use program. At Iowa State the committee is named the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and the Institutional Official (IO) is the Vice President for Research. The membership of the IACUC is in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act and the PHS policy, which require that the following members be appointed to the committee:

  • One doctor of veterinary medicine with training or experience in laboratory animal science and medicine who has direct or delegated program authority and responsibility for activities involving animals at the institution.
  • One practicing scientist experienced in research involving animals.
  • One member who has primary concerns in a nonscientific area (e.g., ethicist, lawyer, clergy, etc.).
  • One member not affiliated in any way with the institution and not a member of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution to represent general community interest in proper care and use of animals.

It is recommended that persons with expertise in the disciplines involved in institutional research and teaching programs be appointed as members. It is also recommended that individuals with expertise in specific areas pertinent to protocol and program oversight be considered (e.g., statisticians, occupational health experts, information resource specialists, animal health technicians, scientific research staff, etc.). ISU uses a member/alternate member appointment.

To be in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act and the PHS policy, the IACUC must fulfill the following responsibilities:

  • Review and approve, require modification, or withhold approval of all proposed uses of live vertebrate animals in teaching, research, and testing, including regular review of all ongoing projects.
  • Review and approve, require modification, or withhold approval of changes in previously approved uses of animals. The principal investigators must receive approval for the changes, in writing, from the IACUC before the changes may be implemented.
  • Inspect the institution’s animal facilities at least once every six months. Inspection reports must be prepared which specify deadlines for correction of cited deficiencies. Special note is taken of deficiencies which are not corrected. Under most conditions, ongoing deficiencies must be reported to the USDA and the PHS.
  • Review the institution’s animal care and use program every six months.
  • Submit semiannual reports to the OVPR detailing results from the review of the animal care and use program and facility inspections.
  • Review concerns involving the care and use of animals at the institution.
  • Make recommendations to the OVPR regarding the animal care and use program, university animal facilities, and the care and use training programs available to university personnel.
  • Submit an annual report to the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW).

In addition, the IACUC has the authority to suspend a previously approved animal related activity if the committee determines that the activity is not being conducted in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act, the PHS policy, or university policy. The IACUC’s authority to review and approve protocols is independent of the IO who may not overrule an IACUC decision to withhold approval of a protocol. The converse is not true in that if the IACUC approves a protocol, ISU is not required or obligated to allow conduct of the research, teaching and testing activity. ISU may also subject protocols to additional institutional review (e.g., department head, scientific review committee, etc.).

Regular meetings of the IACUC are held on the first Wednesday of the month.

Location and TimeMeeting Date*
Location:  305 Kildee
Time: 9:15-11:00 AM
September 4, 2024
October 2, 2024
November 6, 2024
December 4, 2024
*NOTE: Changes in this schedule sometimes occur due to members’ absences, particularly during the summer and University holidays and breaks.

Information for Committee Members


To obtain a list of IACUC members, please contact the IACUC Administrator, 294-9581.

Policies on Committee Function

Registration and Assurance

Iowa State University (ISU) is required to have an Animal Welfare Assurance with the Public Health Service (PHS) in order to receive federal funding for research. This Assurance defines ISU’s relationship to the PHS and sets forth the University’s responsibilities and procedures regarding the care and use of laboratory animals.

Iowa State University’s PHS Assurance #D16-00149 (A3236-01), expires June 30, 2027.