Post-Approval Monitoring

Post-Approval Monitoring (PAM) is a program that monitors research, teaching, and testing projects to confirm that the research is being conducted as approved, thus ensuring compliance with the federal regulations and guidelines that govern research. Other goals of the PAM program are to ensure the well-being of animals used in research, to provide assistance to PIs in preparing for audits, and to serve as a compliance resource to the research community.
PAM visits and reviews are conducted by the Post-Approval Monitor, a member of the Office of Research Ethics staff. The monitor’s role is to observe the research activity, to assist the principal investigator (PI) in identifying any deviations from the approved protocol and in implementing any required changes, and to document the findings of the PAM visit.
During a PAM visit, the various areas of a research, teaching, or testing project – i.e., the protocol, personnel, study procedures, anesthesia, surgery, post-surgical care, euthanasia, and general lab/record keeping – are all subject to review. Questions included in the PI Self-Assessment can help PIs evaluate their own research, teaching, and testing programs and identify potential noncompliance issues before they become serious and/or reportable problems.
To learn more: Read Post-Approval Monitoring Program Description. (PDF)