The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) have transitioned to an electronic software system for submission, review, and maintenance of IACUC and IBC applications as of April 4, 2018.The system will also integrate research, teaching and testing protocols, animal procurement and management, as well as veterinary medical records.
Request for User Access to the System
Use this Excel file to enter any personnel you will want to be included in a-tune for your protocols. This email request must be from the PI or the PI must be copied on it. Only personnel requested by the PI will be entered into the Production environment. The system administrators must add users to the a-tune software before personnel, including the PI, are allowed access to the system. Please send these requests to the IACUC office at
New Applications
- New applications must be submitted through a-tune tick@lab.
- For new applications in a-tune tick@lab, PI signatures are captured in the system.
Note: Please refer to the tip sheets from the NIH and USDA websites for specific guidelines on how to complete the “Alternatives” portion of your proposed study.
Guidance on Completing Forms
- Writing Clear Animal Activity Proposals This article from the June 2011 issue of Lab Animal discusses the common problems in protocols reviewed by the IACUC and offers a framework for investigators writing animal activity proposals.
Annual (Continuing) Review and Amendments (Modifications)
- Annual Reviews and/or Amendments for new applications approved through a-tune tick@lab must be submitted through a-tune tick@lab.
Note: For annual review, please submit in advance of the protocol expiration date to allow adequate time for the review process. If the submitted amendment is too complex and/or changes the original objective(s) of the study, the committee may require a new protocol be submitted for review.
Unanticipated Event Form
- Unanticipated Event Form Unanticipated events that are unexpected and/or serious must be promptly reported to the IACUC using this form.
Special Events
Special event activities will now be submitted to the Office of Risk Management for review. Special event activities are activities in which animals will only be used for handling and restraint; this does not apply to teaching protocols. If the animals will be used for a scheduled class or for more than handling or restraint, a teaching protocol is required. This Flow Chart is designed to help individuals determine if future activities require a form be submitted to the IACUC for review, or if individuals need to contact the Office of Risk Management ( This does not change the review of research and testing activities.
Forms for Use of Client-owned Animals in Research
These two templates are used by Veterinary Medical Center investigators to obtain informed consent from owners prior to enrollment of client-owned animals in a research, teaching, or testing project. You may use either version.
- Owner Consent Document Template–standard format
- New Owner Consent Document Template–Q & A format
Note: Please attach an unsigned copy of the document with the application for IACUC approval for documentation purposes. A copy of the signed document must be retained in the investigator’s files for three years after the close of the study.
Other Forms
- PI Self-Assessment This form includes questions to help PIs identify potential noncompliance issues. Click here for more information about the Post-Approval Monitoring Program.
- Hazard Inventory Form All personnel who work on a regular basis with chemical, biological, or physical hazards or with animals must complete this form.